Top 5 Recession-Proof Freelance Skills
Why should you Recession-Proof your life with a Side Hustle?
The news is awash with updates about a recession coming, interest rate increases and the cost of living crisis. A side hustle could be a way to Recession-Proof your life in these uncertain times.
Read on to find out why a starting a Side Hustle in a Recession is a good idea and the top five most searched for freelance skills.
1: There is no such thing as a job for life
When companies need to cut costs, redundancies happen. If you think the person looking at the numbers deciding how many people they need to lose knows about the extra hours you have worked, the early alarms, the late finishes, the socials you have missed, you are probably mistaken.
At that point you are just a number on a page.
If you are not convinced, have a look at the UK labour market reports; you’ll recognise patterns in there directly aligned with the economy, which is out of your control.
2: If your household income was a business, would you rely on one single customer?
I have built businesses and interviewed hundreds of business owners over the years.
When you’re running a business you have to balance the customers you have with attracting new ones, it’s about spreading the risk. What if one of your customers was sold over night? Or closed down? If they are your only customer, your business could be in big trouble.
It is the same with your income.
If your employer is your household income’s only customer, what happens if your employer sells, goes into administration, or does a restructure?
Your household’s income could disappear overnight.
Imagine if one day, you don’t have to worry about job security, because you have made your own?
3: You don’t have to rely on others to live the life you want
You don’t need anyone else to start a side hustle, just yourself. You’ll have full control over what you do with it.
Do you have a hobby you could start to make money from?
Do you have knowledge or a skill you can use to help others?
People have made money with side hustles doing everything from selling things they have crafted at home, self-publishing books, taking photos, to recommending products online.
It only takes a few clicks to become an Amazon Associate and make money recommending some of your favourite things.
You might even end up being able to make a living out of it.
Can you imagine getting up every day and doing something you love?
Top 5 Recession-Proof Freelance Skills
To help you get started, here are the top 5 freelance skills that received the highest volume of searches over the last year:
- Graphic designer
- Writing
- Copywriter
- Web designer
- Web developer
You can find the full list of skills here.
It’s time to set yourself free
Set yourself free from the worry, recession-proof your life and start your own side-hustle now.
I’ve never heard anyone say:
“I wish I had waited before I started my own….”
Lots of people say:
“I wish I had done it sooner”
Have you got a side hustle idea you could Recession-Proof your life with?
I’ve been where you are and I’d love to help. Book a call with me here.